Anmeldung JgSt. 5 & EF, 2025-26

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • Studienfahrt Q2 2021 nach Berchtesgaden

  • Die CUT-Redaktion

    Die CUT-Redaktion
  • Weihnachtskonzert 2019

    Weihnachtskonzert 2019
  • Tag der offenen Tür 2019

    Tag der offenen Tür 2019
  • Tag der offenen Tür 2019

    Tag der offenen Tür 2019
  • Vorlesewettbewerb 2019

  • Bundesjugendspiele 2019

    Bundesjugendspiele 2019
  • Parisfahrt 2019

    Parisfahrt 2019
  • Landtag macht Schule 2019

    Landtag macht Schule 2019
  • Juniorwahl 2019

    Juniorwahl 2019
  • Austausch mit Libourne 2019
  • DELF-Prüfung 2019

    DELF-Prüfung 2019
  • Plastikmüll ade

  • Atelier Schulhof

    Atelier Schulhof
  • Baum der Kinderrechte, Klasse 5c
  • Austausch mit Montmartin 2017

    Austausch mit Montmartin 2017
  • Schule ohne Rassismus

    Schule ohne Rassismus
  • Schule ohne Rassismus

    Schule ohne Rassismus


Welcome to our English Department!

The English Department at SGE consists of a team of 12 ambitious teachers, whereof some are currently in parental leave. We offer regular classes from grade 5 to Q2, basic and remedial courses, and of course advanced courses in our qualification phase.

4 Privet Drive (Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios Tour), Photo: Wallgärtner
4 Privet Drive (Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios Tour), Photo: Wallgärtner

In order to foster our students as intensively and individually as possible, we provide a range of extracurricular activities: starting with our junior students, we encourage learners from grade 5 on to participate at the annual “Big Challenge”, a nationwide language competition that aims at motivating students to improve their knowledge in a playful way. Furthermore, we offer book projects across classes to foster reading skills.

Trafalgar Square, Photo: Wallgärtner
Trafalgar Square, Photo: Wallgärtner
The London Underground, Photo: Hagemeier
The London Underground, Photo: Hagemeier

In year 8, 9 and 12 the students have the pleasure to watch a theatre performance by the White Horse Theatre. In the Mittelstufe, the plays either deal with current topics or they are adaptions of classical plays for younger students. In the Oberstufe, the students have the opportunity to watch a Shakespeare performance, after which the students have the chance to chat with the actors who are native speakers from Great Britain.

Niagara Falls New York (USA) / Ontario (Canada), Photo: Hagemeier
Niagara Falls New York (USA) / Ontario (Canada), Photo: Hagemeier
Canadian - US American border, Photo: Hagemeier
Canadian - US American border, Photo: Hagemeier

We further encourage our students to study or work abroad and help them organize individual student exchanges (for more information take a look at our student exchange web page). In order to aid those who cannot go abroad, summer classes in cooperation with the commercial language school “English in Action” in Canterbury, England are being offered. Thereby our students will have the opportunity to learn with and from qualified native English teachers.

Statue of Liberty New York, Photo: Hagemeier
Statue of Liberty New York, Photo: Hagemeier
New York (from the Empire State Building), Photo: Hagemeier
New York (from the Empire State Building), Photo: Hagemeier

Our aim is that no one gets left behind or forgotten.
It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.
(Nelson Mandela)

The English Department

Schulinternes Curriculum

Englisch (Sek. 1) | Englisch (Sek. 2)

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