Anmeldung JgSt. 5 & EF, 2025-26

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • "Endless Summer" 2022

  • Studienfahrt Q2 2021 nach Berchtesgaden

  • Die CUT-Redaktion

    Die CUT-Redaktion
  • Weihnachtskonzert 2019

    Weihnachtskonzert 2019
  • Tag der offenen Tür 2019

    Tag der offenen Tür 2019
  • Tag der offenen Tür 2019

    Tag der offenen Tür 2019
  • Vorlesewettbewerb 2019

  • Bundesjugendspiele 2019

    Bundesjugendspiele 2019
  • Parisfahrt 2019

    Parisfahrt 2019
  • Landtag macht Schule 2019

    Landtag macht Schule 2019
  • Juniorwahl 2019

    Juniorwahl 2019
  • Austausch mit Libourne 2019
  • DELF-Prüfung 2019

    DELF-Prüfung 2019
  • Plastikmüll ade

  • Atelier Schulhof

    Atelier Schulhof
  • Baum der Kinderrechte, Klasse 5c
  • Austausch mit Montmartin 2017

    Austausch mit Montmartin 2017
  • Schule ohne Rassismus

    Schule ohne Rassismus
  • Schule ohne Rassismus

    Schule ohne Rassismus

Der erste Brief

How to introduce myself in my first letter or email...

Useful words and expressions:  

self introduction

Let me introduce myself. Here is some information about me. I am glad to write a little bit about myself. name My name is... I am... My first name is..., My last name is ..., Everyone calls me... Please call me... birthplace I am from..., I was born in..., and I grew up in.... I am from..., but I have lived in... for ten years. My hometown is..., near... student I am a student at.... I am studying at...


I am majoring in French. I major in Latin. My favourite subject(s) is/are... My favourite club is...


I am in year/class...

favorite classes and food

My favorite subject..., because the teacher is very interesting and energetic. I like Italian food, particularly pasta. I like Western dishes a lot. I love Chinese food, and I sometimes cook Chinese dishes.


  I live in an apartment. I live in a house. ... Part time job I work from ... to on Saturdays. I work at a bakery. I tutor two junior high school students. I have to earn my pocket money, so I work about ... hours a week.


My hobby is skiing. My hobbies are reading and writing. I have been very interested in collecting postage stamps. I like travelling abroad. pastimes I often watch TV in the evenings when I am not studying. I like to go hiking on weekends. My favorite pastime is ... with my friends.

writing about myself

Let me write a bit about myself. I would like to introduce myself. family My family has ...members. There are four members in my family... occupation My father is a pilot. My father works for Siemens. My mother works in a small grocery store. My mother is a computer programmer. My mother works in the Personnel Department in Panasonic. reader/listener Please tell me what you do on New Year's Day. Could you tell me about school life? What do you do in your free time? looking for a pen pal I am looking for anyone interested in discussing movies. I am looking for a pen pal who is interested in Germany or German culture ... I am interested in ... culture, and I am looking for a pen pal who is interested in corresponding in English. I am looking for anyone interested in discussing... at the end of e-mail Best regards. Thank you for reading my message. I hope to hear from you soon. I look forward to your email. Please send me an email. Write to me soon! Let me know how you are doing these days. Take care.  


My name is Otto. I am a student at Gymnasium Erwitte, majoring languages. My main interest is international business, and I would like to work for an international corporation after I graduate. I study English hard to help me fulfill my ambition. I live in Erwitte with my family, and it takes about 15 minutes to get to school. I often read on the bus. My family consists of my father, my mother, my two brothers and myself. My father is an accountant. My mother teaches English at Erwitte elementary school. My brothers go to junior high school. My hobbies are reading, writing, and travelling. I have already travelled a lot, and I have visited France. I often watch travel programs on TV. I am interested in foreign cultures. I am looking for a pen pal who would like to exchange information about our cultures and chat about what we do and think in our daily life. I am looking forward to hearing from someone who has similar interests.

Best regards, Otto

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